Wednesday 1 February 2012


Heather Cochrane, commonly referred to as the fiery redhead – although she despises anyone who says she has red hair or calls her ginger – is often seen as a quiet, slightly shy young lady by those who aren’t close to her. But to her tight group of friends, she is outgoing and hyper, rarely without a smile or a laugh spilling from her lips. She is an animal-lover, a sports enthusiast, and can quote the majority of the Lord of the Rings movies. Although she wishes for world peace, she is not willing to give peas a chance. Like a tiger on the hunt, Heather longs for solitary atmospheres whilst she writes her most creative pieces. She is an eagle kept in confinement, just waiting and yearning for the day when she is set free to stretch her wings and continue on to study at UBC Vancouver and then travel around the world. Heather’s friends joke about her being related to polar bears or resembling a marshmallow, but, even though she laughs along, she knows the truth: she’s a vampire! Oh, just kidding! The truth is her paleness comes from her Scottish, Irish and Ukrainian heritage; three places Heather would love to travel when she gets older. She especially dreams of arriving in Ireland to chase down the infamous Leprechaun and find his pot of gold…or his Lucky Charms!

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